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Marina Guledani is a Founding Partner of CFS Legal Guledani & Partners. Apart from her investment banking expertise and in-depth knowledge of capital market and structured finance products accumulated over several years of investment banking experience associated with management of CFS Investment Bank, Marina has considerable experience in consulting on corporate & contract law, corporate restructuring, WTO law, energy law and other business areas. At various times Marina worked as a Senior Legal Advisor for local representations of CORE International and PA Consulting under USAID energy projects. Marina has also worked for OSCE Mission to Georgia as a lawyer. For several years she taught corporate, trade and finance law at Tbilisi State University, Caucasus School of Business, Black Sea University and Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association. Currently Marina teaches the course of Financial Markets and Securities Regulation at Caucasus School of Law for the LL.M program and Business Law at the Executive Dual MBA Program of Caucasus School of Business. She has contributed to international publications (Palgrave publication – State of Law in South Caucasus) and is working on development of a Georgian Manual on Securities Market Law & Regulation.
Marina holds LL.M Degree in International Business Law from Leiden University, Netherlands. She graduated from Tbilisi State University, Faculty of International Law and International Relations, with the Diploma in Law. She has undertaken additional commercial law studies in UK; has also obtained professional designation of CM&A (Certified in Mergers & Acquisitions) from Loyola University based in Chicago, US. In June 2008 Marina completed EBRD/LSE seminar on Financial and Corporate Law Issues for Lawyers in Transition Economies where she received valuable insight into legal issues associated with corporate finance practices of international financial institutions like EBRD. She has undergone a rigorous capital markets products training held by Wall Street professionals and NY Times Financial Statements Analysis and M&A trainings. Marina speaks Georgian, Russian, English and French.